Friday, February 12, 2016

Last Minute Valentine Gifts By Etienne Perret And Alex Soldier

Etienne Perret orange diamond, 18k gold and black ceramic ring.

You haven’t even looked for a Valentine’s Day gift, have you? Well you’re in luck as you still have time to buy something special and Jewelry News Network has two designers that produce jewels that any woman would love. 

The first is Etienne Perret, who specializes in modern designs made with unusual materials. He is well known for using colored enhanced natural diamonds, in bridal and fashion pieces matched with 18k gold or platinum. These are real diamonds in which their color was created in a lab. These are much more affordable than natural colored diamonds and any color can be created. 

Perret is equally well known for creating pieces using “Ceramique” gem ceramic, which is both ultra durable and stylish. Perret also does custom design pieces but it’s too late for that now isn’t it. You can learn how to purchase his products directly or with one through the many retailers that carry his jewels through his website.

Alex Soldier butterfly studs.

As I mentioned previously Alex Soldier is a favorite of Jewelry News Network. His work combines traditional and modern themes with imaginative artistry and numerous jewelry making techniques. His handmade jewels often possess multiple textures, such as combining encrusted gold surfaces gold with intricate gold lattice, and movement, whether it is actually physical or the way the jewels reflect the light. 

Without really any mentors, his works, even when based on traditional themes, turn out looking unique. What he considers his strongest influence is his native Russia, more specifically, the city of Perm in the remote Ural mountain region. Russian themes are certainly represented in his work.

Alex Soldier products are available at Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue stores or you contact the company directly through its website

And please hurry. 

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